
Alright, I'm gonna blog in English today. No

particular reason, except that I'll be talking

about China's KFC. Hence the KFC.C short form,

Kentucky Fried Chicken China. Don't get mixed

up with KLCC ya. Haha. Oh I miss KLCC, too!

Decided to try the KFC here today for dinner.

Walked 15 minutes to get it at a shopping complex

next to the place I'm staying at. It feels like

any other KFC's I've been to. Of course, the only

difference is that everything is written in Chinese.

Hence, the worries that occurred then. Haha. But

luckily there are illustrations of what they have.

So, it makes it much easier for me.

I chose this meal which consists of 2 chicken,

a chicken burger and a Pepsi drink. Where did

Mr. Mashed Potato and Ms. Coleslaw went? They

weren't there. I didn't ask. There has to be a

reason why they weren't there. Went out for holiday

maybe. Hehe. I took it back home to eat. When I

reached home, I was literally surprised to see

the size of the chickens! It was extremely small.

To think that Malaysian's KFC chicken size is already

small, I couldn't believe looking at the chickens

before my eyes. Alright, the chicken burger looked

pretty decent enough. At least it's normal. Haha.

Not to mention the drink. It's standard size.

For the first time ever, I had the chickens finished

finger lickin' good! Haha. Not even a single bit of

it were wasted. I cleaned them thoroughly. Haha.

This is how it looked like.. Before and after. Of

course, the chicken from the burger seemed big enough

to eat. I wonder why the rest of the chicken parts

are so small.

Mini chicken in trends? See it for yourself!

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